In this section I'm going to show how three different asian fashion doll lines feature some common themes in their releases. The three lines are Pullip by Ars Gratia Artis/Cheonsang Cheonha, Blythe by Hasbro/CWC and Momoko Doll by PetWORKs Co., Ltd (also produced by Sekiguchi Co., Ltd). The themes range from classic characters from fairytales and cartoons to street, retro and editorial fashion styles. Some other themes are broader, such as seasons and activities. In broad terms, Momoko Dolls feature more mature renditions of the themes and the designs are simple and synthetic, with clean silhouettes and fewer pieces. Blythe goes from simple street styles to childlike and fantastic styles without getting too cluttered. Pullip has a wider range of moods and their designs can get too detailed and sometimes bordering the messier side of detailing, the "too much gene" as Jenna Marbles would say. On the plus side, Pullip often has many accessories and pieces to mix and match and edgier designs are more common. Blythe comes in second place as to how many accessories she comes with.
Use the navigation links to go directly to each theme.